WebRTC 技术介绍

2014-02-15 20:55:34 +08:00
pebutuoy  pebutuoy
演讲视频拍摄于Fluent 2013 大会

WebRTC is an exciting new web technology that will enable web developers to harness real-time audio and video capabilities using a set of JavaScript APIs. WebRTC allows web pages to access local multimedia devices like a webcam and microphone, and transmit these media streams to another WebRTC capable browser via a peer-to-peer network channel. These media streams can also be accompanied by a powerful data channel that lets developer exchange arbitrary data between two peers!
In this session, we’ll be diving deep into the various JavaScript APIs (primarily getUserMedia and PeerConnection) that make all of this possible. We’ll also go through the process of building a real WebRTC powered web app and discuss some ways in which these apps can be deployed in the real world.
Participants can expect to walk away with enough knowledge to get them started with writing a WebRTC application. There are no prerequisites other than an intermediate knowledge of JavaScript and HTML.
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