go-carbon v2.3.2 发布,轻量级、语义化、对开发者友好的 Golang 时间处理库

2024-01-03 10:20:17 +08:00

carbon 是一个轻量级、语义化、对开发者友好的 golang 时间处理库,支持链式调用。

目前已被 awesome-go 收录,如果您觉得不错,请给个 star 吧




Golang 版本大于等于 1.16
// 使用 github 库
go get -u github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2

import "github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2"

// 使用 gitee 库
go get -u gitee.com/golang-module/carbon/v2

import "gitee.com/golang-module/carbon/v2"
Golang 版本小于 1.16
// 使用 github 库
go get -u github.com/golang-module/carbon

import "github.com/golang-module/carbon"

// 使用 gitee 库
go get -u gitee.com/golang-module/carbon

import  "gitee.com/golang-module/carbon"
type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`
    Birthday1 Carbon `json:"birthday1"`
    Birthday2 Carbon `json:"birthday2" carbon:"date" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday3 Carbon `json:"birthday3" carbon:"time" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday4 Carbon `json:"birthday4" carbon:"dateTime" tz:"PRC"`

    Birthday5 Carbon `json:"birthday5" carbon:"timestamp" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday6 Carbon `json:"birthday6" carbon:"timestampMilli" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday7 Carbon `json:"birthday7" carbon:"timestampMicro" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday8 Carbon `json:"birthday8" carbon:"timestampNano" tz:"PRC"`

type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`
    Birthday1 Carbon `json:"birthday1"`
    Birthday2 Carbon `json:"birthday2" carbon:"layout:2006-01-02" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday3 Carbon `json:"birthday3" carbon:"layout:15:04:05" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday4 Carbon `json:"birthday4" carbon:"layout:2006-01-02 15:04:05" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday5 Carbon `json:"birthday5" carbon:"timestamp" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday6 Carbon `json:"birthday6" carbon:"timestampMilli" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday7 Carbon `json:"birthday7" carbon:"timestampMicro" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday8 Carbon `json:"birthday8" carbon:"timestampNano" tz:"PRC"`

type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`
    Birthday1 Carbon `json:"birthday1"`
    Birthday2 Carbon `json:"birthday2" carbon:"format:Y-m-d" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday3 Carbon `json:"birthday3" carbon:"format:H:i:s" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday4 Carbon `json:"birthday4" carbon:"format:Y-m-d H:i:s" tz:"PRC"`

    Birthday5 Carbon `json:"birthday5" carbon:"timestamp" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday6 Carbon `json:"birthday6" carbon:"timestampMilli" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday7 Carbon `json:"birthday7" carbon:"timestampMicro" tz:"PRC"`
    Birthday8 Carbon `json:"birthday8" carbon:"timestampNano" tz:"PRC"`

如果 carbon 标签没有设置,默认是 layout:2006-01-02 15:04:05;如果 tz 标签没有设置,默认是 Local

now := Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", PRC)
person := Person {
    Name:      "gouguoyin",
    Age:       18,
    Birthday1: now,
    Birthday2: now,
    Birthday3: now,
    Birthday4: now,
    Birthday5: now,
    Birthday6: now,
    Birthday7: now,
    Birthday8: now,
loadErr := carbon.LoadTag(&person)
if loadErr != nil {
    // 错误处理
data, marshalErr := json.Marshal(person)
if marshalErr != nil {
    // 错误处理
fmt.Printf("%s", data)
// 输出
    "name": "gouguoyin",
    "age": 18,
    "birthday1": "2020-08-05 13:14:15",
    "birthday2": "2020-08-05",
    "birthday3": "13:14:15",
    "birthday4": "2020-08-05 13:14:15",
    "birthday5": 1596604455,
    "birthday6": 1596604455999,
    "birthday7": 1596604455999999,
    "birthday8": 1596604455999999999
str := `{
    "name": "gouguoyin",
    "age": 18,
    "birthday1": "2020-08-05 13:14:15",
    "birthday2": "2020-08-05",
    "birthday3": "13:14:15",
    "birthday4": "2020-08-05 13:14:15",
    "birthday5": 1596604455,
    "birthday6": 1596604455999,
    "birthday7": 1596604455999999,
    "birthday8": 1596604455999999999
var person Person

loadErr := carbon.LoadTag(&person)
if loadErr != nil {
    // 错误处理

unmarshalErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &person)
if unmarshalErr != nil {
    // 错误处理

fmt.Sprintf("%s", person.Birthday1) // 2002-08-05 13:14:15
fmt.Sprintf("%s", person.Birthday2) // 2020-08-05
fmt.Sprintf("%s", person.Birthday3) // 13:14:15
fmt.Sprintf("%s", person.Birthday4) // 2002-08-05 13:14:15

fmt.Sprintf("%d", person.Birthday5) // 1596604455
fmt.Sprintf("%d", person.Birthday6) // 1596604455999
fmt.Sprintf("%d", person.Birthday7) // 1596604455999999
fmt.Sprintf("%d", person.Birthday8) // 1596604455999999999


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