有 V 友建议我将 Reqable 上架 Setapp ,所以我在两周前给他们提交了申请,刚刚收到他们的邮件回复。
Thank you for your interest in working with Setapp. Our team has reviewed your app but, unfortunately, the consensus is that they are not a fit for Setapp at this time. Should something change, we'll let you know.
我猜测可能是产品功能或者体验的问题,但没有给任何一点建议。又去看了下他们的开发者网站,也没有入驻的标准说明,没有改进的方向也挺难办的🤔。不知道为啥,个人感觉 Setapp 这个回复挺傲慢的。
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