
362 天前

We’d like to provide you with an update on the App Store Review Guidelines. The following changes allow apps that offer in-app purchases on the United States iOS or iPadOS App Store to include a link to the developer’s website that informs users of other ways to purchase digital goods or services. Revised 3.1.1: Moved requirement that apps and their metadata may not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms other than in-app purchase to 3.1.1(a). This revision clarifies that apps offered in storefronts other than those eligible for the StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement (US), and apps that do not use the entitlement, must continue to follow the requirement. Added 3.1.1 (a): Link to Other Purchase Methods. Developers may apply for the StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement (US) to provide a link in their app to a website the developer owns or maintains responsibility for in order to purchase such items. We believe Apple’s in-app purchase system is the most convenient, safe, and secure way for users to purchase digital goods and services. If you’re considering using this entitlement along with in-app purchase, which continues to be required for the purchase of digital goods and services within your app — it’s important to understand that some App Store features, such as Ask to Buy or Family Sharing, won’t be available to your customers when they make purchases on your website. Apple also won’t be able to assist customers with refunds, purchase history, subscription management, and other issues encountered when purchasing digital goods and services. You will be responsible for addressing such issues with customers.

A commission will apply to digital purchases facilitated through the StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement (US). For additional details on commissions, requesting the entitlement, usage guidelines, and implementation details, view our support page.

If you have any questions, contact us.

Apple Developer Relations

5965 次点击
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27 条回复
362 天前

362 天前
@SenLief https://developer.apple.com/cn/support/storekit-external-entitlement-kr
韩国早就立法要求 app store 支持第三方支付了,照样抽 27%,美区现在这种只是允许开发者向用户提供外部购买渠道链接
重点:需要申请,需要 Entitlement Link ,只能在应用的一个特定界面上展示(不能在多个界面都有展示,不能在弹出窗口上展示),允许写明外部购买渠道的价格(包括和 app store 价格的对比),不能在进行应用内购买的流程中进行展示,链接必须在默认浏览器打开(而不是应用内的 webview )且不允许中转链接和追踪参数,苹果有权审计开发者帐户
362 天前
还得看欧盟,今年的压轴是让 iOS 支持侧载和第三方浏览器内核。
361 天前
@disorientatefree 国区别想了,开放侧载肯定也会在“法律法规”内
361 天前
@weeei 这个也应该没意外了,都答应了
360 天前
@ShuoHui 国内 Andriod 早就可以,法律不是障碍。如果新的 App 上架备案政策真的让 90%以上的 app 下架,没准真的会开放侧载。
360 天前
@ShuoHui 另外,windows 一直都能随意安装软件,法律也没禁止啊。

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