最近优化 DuoyunUI 时写了一些“模式”,就是一些我经常遇到的需求进行了一些抽象实现,比如创建一个表单(复制到控制台试试):
import("https://esm.sh/duoyun-ui/patterns/form?bundle").then(({ createForm }) => {
type: "modal",
data: { firstName: "First Name", lastName: "Last Name", github: "https://github.com/mantou132" },
header: `Create User`,
formItems: [
type: "text",
field: "firstName",
label: "First Name",
type: "text",
field: "lastName",
label: "Last Name",
type: "text",
field: "github",
label: "Github",
返回一个 Promise ,对应提交和取消,参数可以添加 prepareOk
字段支持的 type
: text password date date-time date-range number checkbox checkbox-group picker radio-group select textarea slot
其中 slot
type: "slot",
slot: new HTMLInputElement(),
field: "github",
label: "Github",
模式可以直接创建一个 CRUD 应用: https://duoyun-ui.gemjs.org/zh/blog/crud
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.