[招聘]知名外企招聘 iOS/Android 软件工程师

2014-02-24 10:57:36 +08:00
Software Engineer – iOS/ Android

Leading software enterprise in the world
iOS/ Andoid Software Engineer

One of the world’s leading software platform providers is looking for talented Software Engineers – iOS/ Android. The company has operations in more than 20 countries with more than 3,000 employees. It is currently serving millions of business users at 4,000 companies across 20 industries around the world.

In this role, you will be fully utilizing your knowledge and skills of iOS/Android to develop and maintain platforms on iOS/Android devices. You will also be able to collaborate and cooperate with other amazing team members to achieve excellence.

The ideal candidate should have at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from a top university (211 or 985 program) with excellent academic performance. You need to have solid coding background for 1-4 years. You are required to have extensive knowledge on C++ on Objective-C and iOS SDK(iOS engineer)/ extensive knowledge on Java on Android SDK (Android engineer). You are also expected to have a strong understand in OO practice. Strong analytical skills, problem solving skills and communication skills would also be required.

If you are interested in the position, please feel free to contact Will Wang for more information at will.wang@hays.cn or call 010-5765 2688
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