readwise+reader 将于 2.18 涨价

233 天前
When we launched Reader into public beta a ~year ago, we communicated that we'd be repricing at some point, but hadn't yet worked out the details. Now we have: beginning on February 18th (three weeks from today), the price of a full subscription for future annual subscribers will increase from $7.99/month to $9.99/month. The price for future monthly subscribers will increase from $8.99/month to $12.99/month. Again, if you're already subscribed or you subscribe prior to February 18th, you're locked into your existing pricing plan and nothing will change.

感兴趣的话,可以考虑订阅(记得可以试用),直接给客服发邮件说是中国的是否可以享受优惠(叫 Developing Country 50% Off Coupon ),可能需要验证身份,(我发了打码的身份证),然后就可以循环 5 折了
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