Take This RAADS-R Test For Autism

312 天前

As a person with autism in my family, I need to take the RAADS-R TEST often. but the online tests don't work very well, with lots of ads and lagging, so I made my own in the hope that it will help more people with autism or who are worried that they have autism! https://www.raads-r.com/

Is the RAADS R test accurate? Yes, the RAADS test reliability is guaranteed. Healthcare experts working with people with ASD administer this exam. The RAADS R test scoring is a useful diagnostic tool for determining if individuals with autism spectrum disorder are affected by it. The RAADS R test score meaning depends on a total score range of 0 to 240, with a higher score suggesting behavior and symptoms typical of autism. A RAADS R test score of 65 or above is indicative of autism. For people with autism, the threshold raw score of 65 is approximately at the 3rd percentile but above the 99th percentile for neurotypical adults.

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