chatgpt 写代码还真是可以

343 天前
wework  wework
今天通过 chatgpt 写了一个静态可分页的数据列表,感觉还是挺满意的

以下是 JavaScript 代码片段,完整页面效果可以看看

async function getItemsFromFile() {
try {
const response = await fetch('file.txt'); // Update the path to your local text file
const content = await response.text();
const items = content.split('\n').map(item => item.trim());
state.itemsList = items.filter(Boolean); // Filter out empty lines
state.totalItems = state.itemsList.length; // Calculate total items
state.totalPage = Math.ceil(state.totalItems / state.perPage); // Update total page count
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading file:', error);

const html = {
get(element) {
return document.querySelector(element);

const perPage = 10; // Number of items per page
const state = {
page: 1,
totalItems: 0, // Initialize total items
totalPage: 0, // Initialize total page count
maxVisibleButtons: 5,
itemsList: []
856 次点击
所在节点   程序员  程序员
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