Architect Turned Developer: Launching My First AI-Driven Project - Ship Name Generator

190 天前

I'm thrilled to share a project that marks a significant personal and professional transition for me. By training and trade, I'm an architect. I've spent years designing buildings, focusing on the tangible aspects of creativity and construction. However, recently, I've ventured into the digital realm, merging my architectural principles with the innovative world of AI and web development.

The result is my first web application: Ship Name Generator ( It's a simple, playful tool that combines two names into one, inspired by everything from fantasy to celebrities, designed to spark creativity and fun in name generation.

The journey from architecture to AI was fueled by curiosity and the desire to play with new forms of creation. Building this website has been an incredible learning experience, blending my background in design with coding and AI technologies. It's fascinating to see how principles of structure, aesthetics, and user experience translate across disciplines.

I built this site as a sandbox for my skills and a token of my new journey into web development and AI. Here's what the site offers:

Intuitive UI for easy interaction A blend of AI-driven creativity with a personal touch Fun and playful name generation for various uses I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback, or any advice you might have. How can I improve the user experience? Are there any features you think could enhance the site further? Your insights would be incredibly valuable as I continue this journey.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my project and for any comments or suggestions you share!

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