nginx-niggers and nginx-lgbt projects

331 天前
gentrydeng  gentrydeng

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

I am interested in starting some nginx projects. As a homosexual, nginx-using, black, I am surprised at the low numbers of black and/or LGBT members of the nginx community. I believe that starting nginx-niggers, and nginx-gay or nginx-lgbt projects would help to increase participation of the respective parties in the nginx community.

The first step in achieving this goal is to start mailing lists, where fellow nginx-using niggers and gays can communicate.

I'm sure if such great niggers as Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X were alive today, they would be NGINX advocates! Heralds of free speech and free software!

Please respond with haste, not hate!

Jonathan Maxwell, Head of Free Speech at Gay Nigger Advocates of America, a division of SUKI (TM)

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331 天前

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