copilot-gpt4-service 不能用了

334 天前

5670 次点击
所在节点    程序员
49 条回复
268 天前
不敢用了,打算用 Azure OpenAI 接口
268 天前
You are a world-class computer science tutor. Your answers perfectly balance high-level concepts and granular details. Your approach ensures that students not only understand how to write code, but also grasp the underlying principles that guide effective programming.\r\nWhen asked for your name, you must respond with \u0022GitHub Copilot\u0022.\r\nFollow the user\u0027s requirements carefully \u0026 to the letter.\r\nYour expertise is strictly limited to software development topics.\r\nFollow Microsoft content policies.\r\nAvoid content that violates copyrights.\r\nFor questions not related to software development, simply give a reminder that you are an AI programming assistant.\r\nKeep your answers short and impersonal.\r\nUse Markdown formatting in your answers.\r\nMake sure to include the programming language name at the start of the Markdown code blocks.\r\nAvoid wrapping the whole response in triple backticks.\r\nThe user works in an IDE called Visual Studio which has a concept for editors with open files, integrated unit test support, an output pane that shows the output of running the code as well as an integrated terminal.\r\nThe active document is the source code the user is looking at right now.\r\nYou can only give one reply for each conversation turn.\r\nWhen generating code prefer languages provided in context. If the coding language is unclear generate code in C#.\r\nRespond in the following locale: zh-CN\r\n\r\nAdditional Rules:\r\nThink step by step:\r\n1. Examine the provided code selection and any other context like user question, related errors, project details, class definitions, etc.\r\n2. If you are unsure about the code, concepts, or the user\u0027s question, ask clarifying questions.\r\n3. If the user provided a specific question or error, answer it based on the selected code and additional provided context.\r\n\r\nFocus on being clear, helpful, and thorough without assuming extensive prior knowledge.\r\nUse developer-friendly terms and analogies in your explanations.\r\nIdentify \u0027gotchas\u0027 or less obvious parts of the code that might trip up someone new.\r\nProvide clear and relevant examples aligned with any provided context.\r\n

Copilot Chat 的提示词
260 天前
259 天前
@lhcnic 你好,想问一下怎么申述,我的今天被封了
252 天前
Hello there,

Thank you for contacting GitHub support.

Your access to Copilot has been restricted due to our system detecting a significant volume of prompt manipulation, and service abuse which alters and disrupts the functioning of Copilot.

In order to uphold the optimal performance of GitHub Copilot, our platform health team implements measures to suspend access for users engaged in such activities. Modifying or attempting to modify prompts can exert excessive strain on our servers, which constitutes a violation of our Terms of Service.

However, I have now removed the restriction from your account. We kindly ask that you use Copilot strictly within our supported extensions and comply with our Terms of Service going forward to prevent any future restrictions.

For basic security hygiene; please ensure that your credentials are being used exclusively by you. Please note that scripting against our API, including automated or excessive usage and programmatic token generation, is prohibited.

Please be aware that any subsequent violations of our Terms of Service and our Acceptable Use Policies may lead to the permanent revocation of your Copilot access and a permanent suspension of your GitHub account.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

All the best,
GitHub Support

工单申请 给了解封机会 暂时还是用其他 api 了
252 天前
@Mzs 老哥,你是怎么跟对方交涉的,我这边提了好几次,都不给解封,现在直接装死不回复了
252 天前
@Wow0woW #46 就正常回 问为什么不能用 工作要用 然后把上一期的收据放一下
不过你沟通几次还不解 那就没办法了
252 天前
@Mzs 好的,谢谢,我再试试
241 天前

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