我尝试使用了中银香港、HSBC 、ZA Bank 的银行卡来填写 App Store Connect 里的 banking information 都没成功收到转账,请教大家正确的银行信息填写方式?
中银香港和 HSBC 是银联卡,我按照位数填写了后几位,保存成功等到转账的时候提示Payment Rejected,"The number or IBAN for the bank account ending in **** is incorrect. To receive your payments, update your banking information with a valid account number."
还有次尝试,转账的时候先是提示提示Paid过几天显示Payment Returned,"Your payment was returned by your bank. Payment could not be processed because your bank is not recognized by the associated national bank code. If you need to update your bank information, go to the Agreements, Tax, and Banking module."
ZA Bank 是 VISA ,我按照这里的提示填写卡号的后 7 位,现在转账状态显示Paid,但等了两三天还是没收到转账。
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