@mrkschan just a joke, take it easy. And I think Ruby Community is big enough to beat Google.
2011-05-26 13:28:28 +08:00
@kongruxi 其實我不是想說誰要打敗誰, 只是想說出, 挑選一類 technology 時, 要同時考慮該 technology 有沒有 strong support / big adoption. 不然, 那 technology 很難會有大進展.
舉例說, Python has a few projects to improve its performance - pypy and unladen-swallow for instances. On the other hand, PHP also got enhancement project from Facebook.
The major reason of having these enhancement projects is due to the adoption of the technology.
The Python Package Index is a repository of software for the Python programming language. There are currently 14889 packages here. http://pypi.python.org/pypi