github copilot 如何填 Billing Information

180 天前

想用自己的 paypal 买 github copilot ,但是在填写 Billing Information 的 Address (P.O. box, company name, c/o) * 一栏,会报 The address entered is invalid. Please make corrections and resave your billing information 。要怎么填这个地址呢,一定要填个美国的地址吗?

1741 次点击
所在节点    GitHub Copilot
2 条回复
180 天前
国内地址可以填啊,我就用的自己的实际住址,不过当时填完后不知道触发了啥风控,连支付方式都还没来得及添加就给我支付相关的功能锁定了,有个黄色的横幅提示工作人员正在核查,会在 48 小时内通过邮件回复。

GitHub and Trade Controls

You may have noticed a message that your account was under review. Thank you for your patience while we reviewed your case. We've resolved the issue with your account and you can now continue with your GitHub purchase.
We're sorry for any inconvenience.
180 天前
@xiri 感觉是跟美国的贸易限制有关,当时在网上搜这个提示看到其他用户发的帖子,好像是说俄罗斯人用不了

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