您好. 我为初学者写了一本关于行列式的书, 《行列式入门》.
Hello. I wrote a book for beginners on determinants, An introduction to determinants.
行列式是有用的. 行列式被用在数学的多个地方, 包括但不限于微积分, 代数, 几何.
Determinants are useful. Determinants are used in many areas of mathematics, including but not limited to calculus, algebra, and geometry.
行列式是一个成熟的概念. 在 19 世纪, 曾有专门的书讨论行列式. 行列式似乎也不新鲜了. 不过, 我想, 写一本能作参考书的行列式教材或许不是坏事. 这可能是我写书的一个原因吧.
Determinants are a well-developed concept. There were books entirely devoted to determinants in the 19th century. Determinants do not seem to be new. However, I am convinced that it is not bad to write a textbook on determinants which can also be used as a reference book, which is perhaps one of the reasons for which I wrote the book.
您可能注意到, 我用汉语与英语写本主题. 此书是一本汉语的书, 但我也想译它为英语. 这或许是原因吧.
You might have noticed that I wrote the post in Chinese and English. This book is in the Chinese language, but I also want to translate it into English, which is perhaps a reason.
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