@WngShhng 还有就是,我觉得对于我们 it 行业,学英语可能是为了找国外的活着 remote 的工作。那么积累本专业的词汇就非常重要。但是,不论你被四六级还是其他单词,一般都很少涉及本专业的词汇。所以,我当初的设想也是,通过阅读本专业的技术文章积累本专业的词汇,比如去 medium 上读 it 相关的文章。
300 天前
Because you ask this question in v2ex, so I regard you as a programmer and I would not tell you the details of the four golden elements of language learning even any learning: 1) meaning 2) relevance 3) attention 4) memory.
However, I recommend you to attend a cs course from world class university(edx or udacity platform) and contribute to open source projects in practice.