[求助] 在 cloudflare dashboard 购买域名失败

298 天前


请查看您的购买详细信息并重试,或查看解决付款失败问题指南,寻求进一步指导。”收到 cloudflare 邮件内容如下:Oops! Something went wrong and we were unable to complete the registration of ~. Most registration failures are temporary and are the result of processing errors at the registry. There may be a temporary communication error, or the registry may be experiencing technical difficulties or undergoing routine maintenance. We recommend that you try again later, however if you continue to experience issues please contact customer support for assistance. 请问这是付款方式的问题还是 cf 那边的问题?

1304 次点击
所在节点    Cloudflare
2 条回复
298 天前
我前几天才在 CF 上买了个玉米,用的还是中信的 visa ,没问题呀
285 天前
@hongweijie8 换卡解决了,原来的卡的银行的问题

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