看到站内和国内新闻网站( IT 之家)有些讨论,但是都没有贴出原文,并且添加了一些让人疑惑的内容(例如提及 NAND Flash 删除文件的“原理”),但其实原帖并没有提及这个内容。
https://9to5mac.com/2024/05/23/apple-deleted-photos-resurfacing-explanation/并且还有一个严重的翻译错误,IT 之家的报道里写的是“苹果公司表示本次‘复活’的照片主要都是 2010 年之前的用户照片”,但其实原文是“images from dates as far back as 2010”,大概可以理解为“最早追溯到 2010 年”。
1. 为何没有开启 iCloud 同步并使用云换机的用户也会遇到这个问题?
According to Apple, the photos that did not fully delete from a user’s device were not synced to iCloud Photos. Those files were only on the device itself. However, the files could have persisted from one device to another when restoring from a backup, performing a device-to-device transfer, or when restoring from an iCloud Backup but not using iCloud Photos.
2. 抹掉出售的设备也会出现这个问题?
In the Reddit user’s situation, they likely didn’t follow the correct steps when resetting their device before selling it … or they fabricated the situation hoping to earn some Reddit karma.
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