[求助] OpenAI API 开通 12 小时被封 ?

34 天前

昨晚用 OCBC 绑卡并成功支付了 OpenAI 的 10 刀额度。 用了半天。

刚刚收到邮件被封了。 邮件:OpenAI API - Access Terminated

Hi there,

We have determined that you or a member of your organization are using the OpenAI API in ways that violate our policies.

Due to this breach we are halting access to the API immediately for the organization Personal. Common reasons for breach include violations of our usage policies or accessing the API from an unsupported location. You may also wish to review our Terms of Use.

If you believe this is in error and would like to appeal, please contact us through our help center. We will review appeals as soon as possible and will contact you if we reinstate access to the API.

The OpenAI team

然后看了也网页端的 Chatgpt 也登录不进去了 提示

You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.


1 、我这种情况是 IP 问题还是 OCBC (付款卡)的问题?我这 IP (合规地区)用了 1 年了都正常。之前用这个 ip 使用过几个购买的 key 也很快封过。

2 、我这种情况还有得抢救不?是不是 10 刀就当交学费了?有没必要发邮件再申诉下哎咋搞?

3 、不打算再用 api 了,如果再用个账户用 ChatGPT ,有什么建议?是不是得换个 IP ?

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25 天前

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