214 天前
virmach 太不稳定了,我用过不到一年就出过两次严重事故,后来就再也不续费了
2023 年 4 月 5 日:连不上机器了,据推特上讲 “virmach 家的 段机器全部炸了。应该是上游 IP 商给停止解析了,属于大事故了。”
2023 年 4 月 6 日:经过大于 12 小时,不到 24 小时,机器恢复了,ip 没变,被 reboot 了一次
2023 年 9 月 9 日:机器出大问题了,从 9 月 1 号开始一直停到 9 月 9 号还没恢复,一直显示 The node is currently locked
All servers in NYC, PHX, ATL, DAL, DEN, SEA, or SJC
One of our datacenter partners, Dedipath, is going out of business. As a result of the short notice, we're working on emergency migrations away. You should receive an email if your service is affected and we'll use this page to provide additional information and maintenance windows. These will be broken up by each specific location. Please note all information provided may change, so we recommend checking back for updates.