[gitignore 求解惑] admin.py 为什么会匹配到 controllers/admin.py

2014-03-17 20:02:09 +08:00



于是去 http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore 好好看了下,这一条应该是适用我的情况的:

If the pattern does not contain a slash /, Git treats it as a shell glob pattern and checks for a match against the pathname relative to the location of the .gitignore file (relative to the toplevel of the work tree if not from a .gitignore file).

就是说规则中不带/的就按照shell glob来,即按照glob规则和相对于.gitignore的所有pathname进行匹配。但是照这样来说,应该是*admin.py匹配controllers/admin.py,而 admin.py不应该匹配上这个pathname啊。

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2 条回复
2014-03-17 20:45:57 +08:00
Patterns read from a .gitignore file in the same directory as the path, or in any parent directory, with patterns in the higher level files (up to the toplevel of the work tree) being overridden by those in lower level files down to the directory containing the file. These patterns match relative to the location of the .gitignore file. A project normally includes such .gitignore files in its repository, containing patterns for files generated as part of the project build.


你在controllers目录下,先读本目录的.gitignore,没有就把上一层的.gitignore读下来。。也就是说相当于你在controllers目录下的.gitignore下加了一行 admin.py
2014-03-17 22:45:25 +08:00
意思是你要写 「/admin.py

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