[远程] 硅谷 AI 创业公司招后台+手机开发

12 天前

About the Role

We are a stealth startup, headquartered in the Bay Area, USA, building AI software & hardware in the education space. (company website). We are a small and high caliber team, with education from CMU, UCLA, Tsinghua University, and industrial experiences from Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, and Tome AI.

Our mission is to raise healthier, smarter humans, by building innovative AI-native products, tailored for children’s education and development.
You will be one of the first few engineers, reporting directly to our co-founder and CTO. This role is fully remote. Base in Shenzhen, Shanghai or Beijing is a plus.



Minimum qualifications

Preferred qualifications


Benefits & Perks


Please send intro and add v to: MTMzOTA5MDIyNjY=

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3 条回复
9 天前
Base on 国外考虑吗?
3 天前
@way2explore2 可以的 都远程
3 天前
upupupup 顶起来

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