182 天前
话说,有没有人遇到过 Go 编译出来的文件被误报毒的问题?
几年前的时候,我就遇到过,我升级最新的 Go 1.16 版本并编译发布新版本后,就开始有人反馈出现各杀毒软件报毒的情况,临时装个旧 Go 版本编译就正常,新版本 1.16 的 Go 哪怕只写个 Hello, World! 都报毒(而且经过观察似乎只针对 Windows 64 位 的编译版本),给我整不会了,最后我只能去各杀毒软件提交申诉,不过只有个别杀毒软件回复解决了,有些就石沉大海或者干脆找不到申诉入口。
不过后来似乎就没人反馈误报毒了,似乎是各杀毒软件对 Go 新版本特殊处理了?
Why does my virus-scanning software think my Go distribution or compiled binary is infected?
This is a common occurrence, especially on Windows machines, and is almost always a false positive. Commercial virus scanning programs are often confused by the structure of Go binaries, which they don't see as often as those compiled from other languages.
If you've just installed the Go distribution and the system reports it is infected, that's certainly a mistake. To be really thorough, you can verify the download by comparing the checksum with those on the downloads page.
In any case, if you believe the report is in error, please report a bug to the supplier of your virus scanner. Maybe in time virus scanners can learn to understand Go programs.
因为这个原因,导致我对更新 Go 版本非常谨慎,担心再次出现该问题,目前我还停留在 1.18 版本。。。
所以我想知道,现在的 Go 新版本还存在这类问题么?
是不是应该像楼上所说,最多只更新到次于最新版本( 1.22.0 )的版本号( 1.21.0 )?