给大家分享一下 Flux.1 模型的 9 大热门提示词 | 亲测好用

217 天前

由 Black Forests Labs 研发的 Flux.1 ,这款创新的图像生成模型自发布以来迅速走红全球。它能够根据文本提示创造令人惊艳的视觉效果,激发了全球艺术家、设计师和创意爱好者的无限创意。Flux.1 为探索视觉艺术的新领域提供了强大工具。

在本文中,我们将分享 9 组效果出色的提示词,一展 Flux.1 模型的多功能性和强大功能。 以下是这些提示词的示例,你可在 Flux-1.com | Free way to use Flux.1 family of models. 上免费体验 Flux.1 模型。



提示词:An anime [SUBJECT], animated expression reference sheet, character design, reference sheet, turnaround, lofi style, soft colors, gentle natural linework, key art, range of emotions, happy sad mad scared nervous embarrassed confused neutral, hand drawn, award winning anime, fully clothed

[SUBJECT] character, animation expression reference sheet with several good animation expressions featuring the same character in each one, showing different faces from the same person in a grid pattern: happy sad mad scared nervous embarrassed confused neutral, super minimalist cartoon style flat muted kawaii pastel color palette, soft dreamy backgrounds, cute round character designs, minimalist facial features, retro-futuristic elements, kawaii style, space themes, gentle line work, slightly muted tones, simple geometric shapes, subtle gradients, oversized clothing on characters, whimsical, soft puffy art, pastels, watercolor



提示词:A character sheet of [SUBJECT] in different poses and angles, including front view, side view, and back view

3.80 年代复古风格

场景说明:适合希望创造 80 年代复古风格照片效果的艺术家或设计师。这些提示词可以生成带有怀旧感的模糊宝丽来风格照片。

提示词:blurry polaroid of [a simple description of the scene], 1980s.



提示词:a iphone product image showing the iphone standing and inside the screen the image is shown



提示词:[Abstract style waterfalls, wildlife] inside the silhouette of a [man]’s head that is a double exposure photograph . Non-representational, colors and shapes, expression of feelings, imaginative, highly detailed



提示词:A digital illustration of a movie poster titled [‘Sad Sax: Fury Toad’], [Mad Max] parody poster, featuring [a saxophone-playing toad in a post-apocalyptic desert, with a customized car made of musical instruments], in the background, [a wasteland with other musical vehicle chases], movie title in [a gritty, bold font, dusty and intense color palette].



*这个可以使用 Claude 3 来为图像生成详细的提示。 *

提示词:A first-person perspective screenshot from Call of Duty: Warzone, with the player’s hands holding a modern assault rifle in the foreground. The HUD elements are visible, including a mini-map in the corner, ammo count, and health bar. In the center of the screen, about 50 meters away, Naruto Uzumaki is clearly visible, wielding a sniper rifle. Naruto is wearing his iconic orange and black jumpsuit, with his blonde spiky hair and Konoha headband clearly visible. He’s in a combat stance, partially behind cover of a destroyed vehicle. The environment is a war-torn urban landscape typical of Warzone, with damaged buildings, debris, and smoke in the background. Other players can be seen in the distance, engaged in firefights. The lighting suggests it’s late afternoon, with long shadows and a warm glow. The image has the characteristic high-resolution, realistic graphics of a modern FPS game.



提示词:Phone photo: A woman stands in front of a mirror, capturing a selfie. The image quality is grainy, with a slight blur softening the details. The lighting is dim, casting shadows that obscure her features. [The room is cluttered, with clothes strewn across the bed and an unmade blanket. Her expression is casual, full of concentration], while the old iPhone struggles to focus, giving the photo an authentic, unpolished feel. The mirror shows smudges and fingerprints, adding to the raw, everyday atmosphere of the scene.



提示词:[Anything you want] pixel art style, pixels, pixel art

通过本篇文章,我们简要介绍了 Flux.1 的 9 大热门提示词。如果你也想尝试这些提示词,可以点击Flux-1.com | Free way to use Flux.1 family of models.免费体验 Flux.1 模型哦。

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216 天前
在 [siliconflow]( https://cloud.siliconflow.cn?referrer=clxhh3xlg0001rx6r4ywpk4m4) 有开源的版本,可以免费用。
216 天前
cool 感谢
177 天前
在线体验 flux 图片生成:imagenworks.com

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