149 天前
另外,入站一般不需要配置的,mwan3 的默认规则里有针对来源接口的路由,建议你看看 wiki:
1. Restore mark if previous set. If successful marked, goto step 5.
2. Check if the packet arrives on a wan interface. If originated from a local connected ip network, then mark packet with default iface_id. If the packet is from another (non-local) network and arrives on wan interface, then mark it with iface_id. If successful marked, goto step 5.
3. Check if packet destined for a known ip network (has a route for it other than default). If so then mark packet with default iface_id and goto step 5.
4. Check if packet source address is that of a wan interface. If so use that wan interface for routing regardless of user defined rules and mark packet with iface_id of corresponding wan.
5. Apply user rules and mark with configured iface_id. If no match leave unmarked.
6. If marked then save mark.