[上海/成都] 西门子实习招聘

203 天前
本部门做 CAD 软件开发,硕士实习生 320 元/天,要求能够长期实习,计算机,机械相关专业均可,具体 JD 如下:

Job Title: CAD Software Engineer Intern
Number of Positions: Multiple
Location: Siemens Center Shanghai, No. 500 Dalian Road, Yangpu District/
No. 7 Xixin Avenue, Pidu District, Chengdu

Job Description:
This position is as a Software Engineer Intern working on a large commercial CAD application. The employee will perform software programming for the NX CAD product with focus on surpassing customer expectations and achieving high quality and on-time delivery.
Contributes individually or in a team to meet the requirements of various projects
Maintains existing software code and resolves customer and internally reported problems
Creates test cases and executes them to assure the code quality before it is released

Qualification Requirements:

Bachelor or Master degree candidate in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or closely related fields from a reputed university
Strong knowledge of C++/C
Knowledge of data structures, object oriented analysis and design preferred
Knowledge of algorithms in the CAD preferred
English Communication skill

Send resume in both Chinese and English to gang.hu@siemens.com
1507 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
202 天前
看不懂描述 是不是就代表凉了
202 天前
@nanxiaonan 可以先发个简历给我哈
202 天前
201 天前

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