❯ cookiecutter gh:x-pt/template
You've downloaded /Users/skynet/.cookiecutters/template before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [y/n] (y):
Select a template
1 - C++ Project (A cookiecutter template for a cxx project)
2 - Go Project (A cookiecutter template for a go project)
3 - Python Project (A cookiecutter template for a python project)
Choose from [1/2/3] (1): 2
[1/8] Enter your project name (My Awesome Project):
[2/8] Generated project identifier (slug) (my-awesome-project):
[3/8] Generated package/module name (my_awesome_project):
[4/8] Brief project description (A nice go project):
[5/8] Author's full name (Firstname Lastname):
[6/8] Author's email address (email@example.com):
[7/8] GitHub username or organization (your-org-or-username):
[8/8] go_version (1.22):
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.