申请 EC2 instance quota 问题

198 天前
我想在 AWS US region 上申请一个 EC2 实例,但是部署到时候遇到
“Instance launch failed
You have requested more vCPU capacity than your current vCPU limit of 0 allows for the instance bucket that the specified instance type belongs to. Please visit http://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/ec2-request to request an adjustment to this limit.”

然后我提了 support ticket,过了一天把 ticket 关了,但是 quota 还是 0 ,是中国 ip 不能申请美国的 ec2 资源吗?
2030 次点击
所在节点    Amazon Web Services
4 条回复
198 天前
AWS support 的回复太奇怪了,我现在 vcpu 的 quota 是 0.....


I am sorry but at this time we are unable to approve your service quota increase request.

Service quotas are put in place to help you gradually ramp up activity and decrease the likelihood of large bills due to sudden, unexpected spikes.

If you'd like to appeal this decision, please reopen this case and provide as detailed a use case as possible. With this additional information, we would be more than happy to re-assess this request.

Best regards,
Amazon Web Services

We value your feedback. Please rate our response below:
197 天前
不是的,你的账户很有可能在当前你的区域内没有 quota ,可以回复上面那个 support ticket ,讲清楚要 launch 的 instance type ,用途,预计机器需要的时间,让他们重新评估就可以了。第一次大概率只会批准你描述里申请的额度。
197 天前
嗯嗯 今天给了 4vcore 的 quota
182 天前
aws 可以交流一下,可以给你提额

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