
119 天前

我希望有个网站,它能让我输入一些单词列表,比如输入 100 个单词,它会根据这些单词生成一些句子,并空出位置,让我去填写缺失的单词,比如列表中有 confounding ,生成如下句子

至于说到头骨,这里有个容易混淆的变化因素:气候。 As far as skulls are concerned, there is one ___ variable: climate.


我不是很喜欢现在单词 app 中输入单词列表,随机抓取单词,然后给我几个选项,让我选的形式,感觉很多时候选对完全没有意义。


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23 条回复
115 天前
@gary907478 是的,但我依然需要一个提高记忆效率的工具
115 天前
111 天前
Dude, I made a app with basically the same idea with yours. Strictly a plugin within slack. The plugin is an AI agent to help user to memorize words. It will track the memorizing history. At a point, it will generate a new story with the historical data. Let's say after user memorizing 20 words, they would get a new story to recap. I even won a prize in our company’s hackathon with this project. But I still shut this down. The pain point was that it was not fun and not effective either. There is real problem for language learning program, which is you can't make the process fun and effective at the same time…
Let's back to your question. I think you could consider using quora or something like that to force you read and write in all english enviroment. I agreen with #1 and #18. Everyone above entry level should try to practice english instead of learning english. A reasonable ratio between input and output would help.

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