How to learning English? this post will help you.

182 天前
Please speak English, such as this post, you can say: How to learning English? I speak English with my wife in our life. practice your English skills everyday. About 3 years later, you can speak English with everyone from all over the world.
776 次点击
所在节点    English
6 条回复
182 天前
First, you need to have a wife
182 天前
@print You can setup your computer and phone's system language to English, you always watch the English word and videos, ban all over Chinese trush.
173 天前
That's a good idea, but how do I find a wife who is proficient in English?
172 天前
@code0611 My wife's English skills is very poor, but I usually speak English with my wife, so my wife can understand some English.
127 天前
Can we speak Chinese? I can't understand what you're saying.
127 天前
@fffq Congratulations, you already start your English learning journey.

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