OpenAI 又出新模型了 好厉害, 提升了代码和逻辑推理能力

11 天前
用演示视频中给的提示词, 竟然真的生成了贪吃蛇游戏, 一次成功


提示词: Implement Snake with HTML + JS + CSS. The entire code should be written in a single HTMLblock with embedded JS and CSS. Don't use any remote assets. After opening the html, userwill need to hit space to start / restart the game, the snake will randomly go in one direction atthe start and use "wasd" to control the direction of the snake. Make it pretty and the playgroundlarge.
1268 次点击
所在节点    OpenAI
2 条回复
11 天前 可以用 o1-preview 和 o1-mini 的 API 了,欢迎体验(只不过目前 L5 账号太少,RPM 比较低)。
10 天前
简单游戏不能说明啥,claude3.5 也可以一次生成的

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