iPhone 16 Pro 支持拍 ProRAW in JPEG-XL format

95 天前
When it comes to the iPhone 16 Pro, users will be able to choose from the following options:
JPEG Lossless (Most Compatible)
JPEG-XL Lossless
Apple also highlights how much storage each format takes up:
11 MB for JPEG-XL Lossy ProRAW at 12 MP
18 MB for JPEG-XL Lossless ProRAW at 12 MP
20 MB for JPEG-XL Lossy ProRAW at 48 MP
46 MB for JPEG-XL Lossless ProRAW at 48 MP

For comparison, a 48MP ProRAW photo taken on the iPhone 15 Pro takes up around 75MB.
Although only iPhone 16 Pro models can take JPEG-XL photos, any Apple devices running iOS 17 and later or macOS 14 and later can view images in this format.

来源: https://9to5mac.com/2024/09/13/iphone-16-pro-lets-users-capture-proraw-photos-in-jpeg-xl-format/
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所在节点    Apple
1 条回复
95 天前
我都用 iPhone 拍照了,还追求 raw ?

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