Haystack Editor source-available

146 天前
GPLer  GPLer

30 天前 Livid 分享的 Haystack Editor 现在可以查看源码了!


You might have seen our original Show HN ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41068719) about two months ago. Since then, a ton of our users have told us that they’d love to contribute. We’ve made the decision to make the editor source-available so that folks can make contributions and so that they can examine the code to make sure they can trust it. Our repo is at https://github.com/haystackeditor/haystack-editor.

If you’re wondering why we’re going source-available rather than proper open-source: as a startup, we're going to eventually monetize and it’s too early for us to make the decision on whether going fully open-source is the right move. We want to own the distribution of Haystack until we can better understand the ramifications that open-sourcing would have, and whether it’s sustainable business-wise. We’d love to find a way to make proper open-source work, but it’s a one-way door, so we want to take our time to make sure we’re making an informed decision.

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所在节点   Visual Studio Code  Visual Studio Code
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