有些 TG 频道无法预览,导致不能直接使用 Rsshub,有解决的办法吗?

85 天前
有些 TG 频道无法预览,例如访问 https://t.me/s/abc 会重定向到 https://t.me/abc ,导致不能直接使用 Rsshub

请问这样的频道怎么使用 Rsshub 呢?
762 次点击
所在节点    Telegram
2 条回复
85 天前
Rsshub 官方文档写了这一块的内容:
Due to Telegram restrictions, some channels involving pornography, copyright, and politics cannot be subscribed. You can confirm by visiting https://t.me/s/:username.
37 天前
需要自己建 rsshub

Due to Telegram restrictions, some channels involving pornography, copyright, and politics cannot be subscribed. You can confirm by visiting https://t.me/s/:username, it's recommended to deploy your own instance with telegram api configs (create your telegram application via https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id, run this command node ./lib/routes/telegram/scripts/get-telegram-session.mjs to get TELEGRAM_SESSION and set it as Environment Variable).

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