Internet Archive 数据泄露还没轮换令牌吗?

103 天前


Oct 20, 2024, 01:09 CDT 换算成北京时间:今天下午两点 09 分


It's dispiriting to see that even after being made aware of the breach 2 weeks ago, IA has still not done the due diligence of rotating many of the API keys that were exposed in their gitlab secrets.

As demonstrated by this message, this includes a Zendesk token with perms to access 800K+ support tickets sent to info@archive.orgsince 2018.

Whether you were trying to ask a general question, or requesting the removal of your site from the Wayback Machine—your data is now in the hands of some random guy. If not me, it'd be someone else.

Here's hoping that they'll get their shit together now.
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