2000刀可以买到一个/18的ip,我们用得着去share ip吗?
而且客户喜欢跟别人share ip吗?
当然墙不是在我们讨论的范围内,我记得有几个服务是,如果你ip被墙封了,要求换ip,是拒绝的。有ip的abuse 直接砍掉服务。
有了share ip是方便那些打完就跑的人,但是留下一堆烂摊子给vps的公司。
每天都受到这样的邮件 都快烦死了。
SBL218 - The Spamhaus Project - SBL International Anti-Spam System
xxxxxxxx.net Abuse Desk,
This is an automated message from the Spamhaus Block List (SBL) database
to advise you that the IP below has been added to
IP/cidr: 162.221.
Problem: Snowshoe spam source
SBL Ref: SBL218
The reason for listing the IP address(es) is explained at the url:
http://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/query/SBL21If you have already taken care of this problem and the spammer is no
longer operating any domains/sites/servers in 162.221./29 you
can send a removal request for record SBL1 by emailing:
Note that your email must tell us how the spam problem has been terminated
(we need to know exactly how the issue has been dealt wit
h and that this
spam problem is fully terminated)
Please always include "SBL211" in the Subject of any emails to
sbl-removals@spamhaus.org regarding this listing.
SBL System Robot
The Spamhaus Project
You can review all current SBL listings concerning your network here:
You are receiving this notification because you are the designated abuse
contact for your network. If you do not want to be alerted whenever IPs
on your network are listed in the SBL, please advise us by contacting
ISP Abuse Desk Resources.....:
http://www.spamhaus.org/ispSpamhaus Block List (SBL)....:
xploits Block List (XBL)....:
http://www.spamhaus.org/xblRegister Of Known Spammers...: