开不了 wallet

133 天前

找 support team 抱怨:
I know that
Residents and citizens of the following jurisdictions are not eligible to use Wallet:

The United States of America (USA), Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Haiti, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Myanmar, Somalia, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen, Cuba.

I am ciziten of mainland P.R.China, which is not one of above, but my verification was reject. Why?


Wallet might not be available in some countries as in accordance with our User Agreement, we reserve the right to choose markets and jurisdictions for the provision of services. Wallet may also restrict or refuse to provide services in other countries at its discretion or in accordance with the requirements of laws, competent authorities or other restrictions described in the agreement.
688 次点击
所在节点    Telegram
1 条回复
133 天前
各种空投都是投给 telegram wallet 之后才能 withdraw 吧?

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