
129 天前

我们家除了提供域名邮局( xyamail.com ),也提供一个免费邮箱服务:


从首页的 support 链接点进去可以注册。

我本人在 163 mail, qqmail 都工作过,对邮局比较熟悉,尽量提供一个高质量的服务。

同 xyamail 一样,这个邮局也不采集用户的私有信息。

黑五到了,需要邮箱来注册各种在线服务的,不妨看看 linuxmail 吧。

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10 条回复
129 天前
关于为什么要绑定 gmail ,这是我在另一个社区的答用户问题。

The core design principle of linuxmail.cc is to use Gmail as your secure vault. Gmail's security is well-known, making it one of the most difficult internet services for hackers to compromise. I've been using Gmail since 2004 and have followed the evolution of its security features. For instance, in addition to traditional SMS and phone verification, Gmail now requires verification through mobile apps (Gmail, YouTube) for certain functions, which greatly enhances user data security. Based on this, linuxmail.cc fully trusts Gmail, sending both initial and reset passwords to your Gmail account, essentially treating it as your private safe. With Google's security guarantees, what's there to worry about? Of course, if you don't like keeping password emails, you can always delete them after reading.

As for other public email services like Yahoo or Outlook, I'm less familiar with them and don't believe they offer the same level of security as Gmail. Proton Mail is likely quite secure as well, and I might consider adding support for it in the future.

Currently, one Gmail account can be linked to two linuxmail.cc accounts. This is because we treat user@gmail.com and user@googlemail.com as two separate Gmail accounts. However, user123@gmail.com, user.123@gmail.com, and user123+foo@gmail.com are considered the same account.

The system was initially designed for the linux.do community. For its design principles and architecture, please refer to this post: https://linux.do/t/topic/184510. You may need to use Chrome's translation plugin to read it.

Lastly, I've developed this system with great care and am committed to ensuring its long-term availability. I'm not short on funds and can easily cover the costs of maintaining the servers and domain. I hope everyone will enjoy using linuxmail.cc.
129 天前
129 天前
提供给你个思路:改成 saas 邮局,支持个人或组织自定义出售靓号邮箱,支持插入广告等。参考 88.com 这个很有吸引力
129 天前
为什么我在 gmail 点完了验证链接,没有然后了。
129 天前
@sn0wdr1am 来了,密码邮件来了。
129 天前
@sn0wdr1am 是的,要稍等一会。email 不是 instant message.默认有 delay 的。
128 天前
朋友你好 我也是做临时邮件的 https://tempmail100.com 有空可以一起交流啊
128 天前
@yesagen 思路不错哦
128 天前
支持下,借楼出米,mail.money use.email login.email trip.email 有意向联系 e@mail.today
126 天前

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