zjgood 哇,你这个好快!真是风驰电掣般的打开了,和没有图片也有关系吧,不过加载速度的确是快到爆。我的测了下左边的是95分A,右边是90分A,js和图片缓存在七牛,另外还有个统计系统的js需要调用人家的,所以没法合并在一起。
Avoid a character set in the meta tag
The following resources have a character set specified in a meta tag. Specifying a character set in a meta tag disables the lookahead downloader in IE8. To improve resource download parallelization, move the character set to the HTTP Content-Type response header.
Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header
The following publicly cacheable, compressible resources should have a "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header: