awk 算术比较的问题

2014-04-16 09:35:15 +08:00
soralley@vm-2:~$ cat datafile
northwest NW Joel Craig 3.0 .98 3 4
western WE Sharon Kelly 5.3 .97 5 23
southwest SW Chris Foster 2.7 .8 2 18
southern SO May Chin 5.1 .95 4 15
southeast SE Derek Johnson 4.0 .7 4 17
eastern EA Susan Beal 4.4 .84 5 20
northeast NE TJ Nichols 5.1 .94 3 13
north NO Val Shultz 4.5 .89 5 9
central CT Sheri Watson 5.7 .94 5 13

soralley@vm-2:~$ awk '$8 > 10{print $0}' datafile
northwest NW Joel Craig 3.0 .98 3 4
western WE Sharon Kelly 5.3 .97 5 23
southwest SW Chris Foster 2.7 .8 2 18
southern SO May Chin 5.1 .95 4 15
southeast SE Derek Johnson 4.0 .7 4 17
eastern EA Susan Beal 4.4 .84 5 20
northeast NE TJ Nichols 5.1 .94 3 13
north NO Val Shultz 4.5 .89 5 9
central CT Sheri Watson 5.7 .94 5 13
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2014-04-16 10:44:17 +08:00
#echo "northwest NW Joel Craig 3.0 .98 3 4"|awk '$8 > 3{print $0}'
northwest NW Joel Craig 3.0 .98 3 4
# echo "northwest NW Joel Craig 3.0 .98 3 4"|awk '$8 > 10{print $0}'
#echo "northwest NW Joel Craig 3.0 .98 3 23"|awk '$8 > 10{print $0}'
northwest NW Joel Craig 3.0 .98 3 23
# awk --version
GNU Awk 3.1.7
我试了下,没问题,应该是你文件问题,cat -A datafile 看看

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