Apple 检测到针对您 iPhone 的定向雇佣间谍软件攻击

34 天前
苹果发了一封邮件:ALERT: Apple detected a targeted mercenary spyware attack against your iPhone
发件人:xxxx 艾特

ALERT: Apple detected a targeted mercenary spyware attack against your iPhone
Apple detected that you are being targeted by a mercenary spyware attack that is trying to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with your Apple Account xxxxx. This attack is likely targeting you specifically because of who you are or what you do. Although it’s never possible to achieve absolute certainty when detecting such attacks, Apple has high confidence in this warning — please take it seriously.
Mercenary spyware attacks, such as those using Pegasus from the NSO Group, are exceptionally rare and vastly more sophisticated than regular cybercriminal activity or consumer malware. These attacks cost millions of dollars and are individually deployed against a very small number of people, but the targeting is ongoing and global. Since 2021, we have sent Apple threat notifications like this one multiple times a year as we detect mercenary spyware attacks. Today’s notification is being sent to targeted users in 89 countries, and to date we have notified users in over 150 countries in total. The extreme cost, sophistication, and worldwide nature makes mercenary spyware attacks some of the most advanced digital threats in existence today. As a result, Apple does not attribute the attacks or the notice you’re receiving to any specific attackers or geographical regions.
419 次点击
所在节点    Apple
8 条回复
34 天前
34 天前
@Raven12138 应该是真的检测到了,就是不知道这种攻击是针对我的设备,还是针对我的 ID 的
34 天前
@sm1314 针对你的 id ,你把可以用于登录的邮箱改一下,包括 iCloud 邮箱
34 天前
@sm1314 不放心的话把所有设备的 lockdown mode 打开
33 天前
@Raven12138 我能想到的就是前几天申请了下政务公开,邮箱留的 apple id 的邮箱,我感觉也不至于吧
32 天前
@sm1314 真不好说,一般人不会收到这个
22 天前
@sm1314 思考后觉得有点可怕。楼主现在是改邮箱了吗
22 天前
@Raven12138 想问下,专案是什么呀,是类似于涉嫌诈骗案件那种吗?

这是一个专为移动设备优化的页面(即为了让你能够在 Google 搜索结果里秒开这个页面),如果你希望参与 V2EX 社区的讨论,你可以继续到 V2EX 上打开本讨论主题的完整版本。

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