git 习惯用命令行,最近在用 Cursor 帮我生成 commit message.
一种是在 Cursor 命令行位置 git add .
然后 cmd+k
呼出对话框输入 git commit message。
另一种是在暂存之前,使用 cmd+l
呼出对话,@Commit (Diff of Working State)
Please generate a commit message with English.
Make sure it includes an accurate and informative subject line that succinctly summarizes the key points of the changes, the response must only have commit message content.
Below is the commit message template:
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
这两种都需要呼出一个对话框,感觉还不够优雅。有没有什么插件在自己键入 git commit -m "
时候自动根据 diff 生成 message ,一个 Tab 补全。
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