落地 ip 的问题,不过一般网页和 App 的可用性是分开的,没见过别的地方 App 可用,iPhone 上不可用的。
112 天前
检查一下下面两个地址是否被代理: https://ios.chat.openai.com/ https://android.chat.openai.com/ 正常返回: {"cf_details":"Request is not allowed. Please try again later.", "type":"dc"} 异常返回: {"cf_details":"Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP. If you are using VPN, try disabling it. Otherwise try a different Wi-Fi network or data connection."}
112 天前
iOS 的 chatgpt 要求更高,走 warp 过一圈就行了
112 天前
@ififi 看了下,在 iOS App 里面发消息之后,看到圈 x 的日志 https://ios.chat.openai.com/ 这个是走了代理的。用同一台 iPhone 直接点击这个 url 返回的又是{"cf_details":"Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP. If you are using VPN, try disabling it. Otherwise try a different Wi-Fi network or data connection."}。