小米 6 ,没有刷过机,安卓 9 ,API28 ,谷歌 play 版本为:24.45.34 ,没有 root ,运行 adb logcat | grep ActivityRecognition 显示:
11-30 12:59:44.370 2103 2117 W ActivityRecognitionProxy: com.google.android.gms resolves service com.android.location.service.ActivityRecognitionProvider, but has wrong signature, ignoring 11-30 12:59:44.371 2103 2117 W ActivityRecognitionProxy: Odd, no component found for service com.android.location.service.ActivityRecognitionProvider
这是不是说明是 miui 的谷歌三件套出了问题,有简单解决这个问题的方法吗?
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