SmiteChow 跟 w3c did 相关的标准,简单来看有这些:
https://github.com/TBD54566975/ssi-service 看过代码实现,也为这个项目提交过微不足道的 pr 。
具体到 Bluesky 和它的 did 实现,可以参考这篇文章:
https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.032391. bluesky 的 registry 是中心化的:plc.directory
2. bluesky 为了用户的易用性在官方的版本里为用户托管了私钥,所以大家可以使用邮箱登录(并进行密码找回)
3.5.3 Authentication. In principle, the cryptographic keys for signing repository updates and DID document updates can be held directly on the user’s devices, e.g. using a cryptocurrency wallet, in order to minimize trust in servers. However, we believe that such manual key management is not appropriate for most users, since there is a significant risk of the keys being compromised or lost.
The Bluesky PDSes therefore hold these signing keys custodially on behalf of users, and users log in to their home PDS via username and password. This provides a familiar user experience to users, and enables standard features such as password reset by email. The AT Protocol does not make any assumptions about how PDSes authenticate their users; other PDS operators are free to use different methods, including user-managed keys.
上述两点,论证了 bluesky 在 did 解决方案方面不是 self generated self owned ,也无法承诺 IDs can be made universally discoverable 。
但作为从业者,我理解 bluesky 这么做取舍的苦衷,所以我本无意跟你讨论去中心化等问题。
我从第一次回复时,想表达的观点就是,bluesky 和 solid 的底层哲学是不一致的
以及最重要的点,如果我没理解错的话,bluesky 团队应该是不希望自己被标榜为 web3.0 的(如果他们官方的 twitter 或者采访有类似的描述,我就不说啥了,一个 web3.0 多种描述也没什么不好)
ps ,多西已经离开 bluesky 了,多西另一个曾经的项目 tbd ,口号是 web5 = web3 + web2