Bypass Cloudflare for GitHub Action Pro

92 天前
sn0wdr1am  sn0wdr1am

Bypass Cloudflare for GitHub Action Pro



Never receive 403 Forbidden from Cloudflare again.

Inspired by xiaotianxt/bypass-cloudflare-for-github-action

GitHub Super-Linter CI Check dist/

Requests from GitHub Action servers to a Cloudflare proxied host may be blocked by Cloudflare's Web Application Firewall(WAF) or Bot Fight Mode. This action automatically adds the public IP of the GitHub Action runner to Cloudflare's firewall Custom rules or Lists



Input Description Required Default
mode single/list/github false github
cf_zone_id Cloudflare Zone ID true /
cf_api_token Cloudflare API Token true /
cf_account_id Cloudflare Account ID true /
github_api_token Github API Token true /
single_rule_description Rule Description For Mode Single false Bypass Cloudflare for GitHub Action (Single)
list_rule_description Rule Description For Mode List false Bypass Cloudflare for GitHub Action (List)
list_name List name false github_actions_runners
clean Caution: It will remove your zone ruleset rule and your list false false


Output Description
time Time when finished.


To use this action, create a workflow in your repository's .github/workflows directory. Below is an example workflow file:

name: Bypass Cloudflare for Github Action Pro
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4.2.1
      - name: Bypass Cloudflare for Github Action Pro
        uses: snowdreamtech/bypass-cloudflare-for-github-action@v0.0.4
          mode: 'github'
          cf_account_id: ${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }}
          cf_api_token: ${{ secrets.CF_API_TOKEN }}
          cf_zone_id: ${{ secrets.CF_ZONE_ID }}
          github_api_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - name: Send request to Cloudflare-protected server
        run: curl

Important Note

This action requires a Cloudflare API Token, not the Global API Key. To create an API token:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.
  2. Go to "My Profile" > "API Tokens".
  3. Click "Create Token".
  4. Create a custom token with the following permissions:
    • Account > Account Filter > Edit
    • Zone > Zone WAF > Edit
    • Zone > Zone Settings > Edit
    • Zone > Zone > Edit
  5. Set the token to access the specific account you're working with.
  6. Set the token to access the specific zone you're working with.
  7. Create the token and save it securely.

Remember to add your Cloudflare Account ID, Cloudflare Zone ID and the new API Token to your GitHub repository secrets as CF_ACCOUNT_ID, CF_ZONE_ID and CF_API_TOKEN respectively.

About the GITHUB_TOKEN secret

At the start of each workflow job, GitHub automatically creates a unique GITHUB_TOKEN secret to use in your workflow. You can use the GITHUB_TOKEN to authenticate in the workflow job.

Before each job begins, GitHub fetches an installation access token for the job. The GITHUB_TOKEN expires when a job finishes or after a maximum of 24 hours.


The global rate limit for the Cloudflare API is 1200 requests per five minute period per user, and applies cumulatively regardless of whether the request is made via the dashboard, API key, or API token.

If you exceed this limit, all API calls for the next five minutes will be blocked, receiving a HTTP 429 - Too Many Requests response.

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