Jeff Dean

2011-04-04 08:12:47 +08:00

Quora 这里的问答真是好玩。

比如这条:During his own Google interview, Jeff Dean was asked the implications if P=NP were true. He said, "P = 0 or N = 1." Then, before the interviewer had even finished laughing, Jeff examined Google’s public certificate and wrote the private key on the whiteboard.

我最初知道这位神牛级别的人物是看到他的名字出现在Big Table的那篇论文里。后来又看了他的一个讲座,slides在这里: (这并不是最初版本,不过内容大体相同,制作更加精良一些)

他列出的每一个 computer engineer 都应该知道的一串数字能完全影响web app的架构设计。
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