AWS 账号的 MFA 认证由于填了香港手机号码重置系统后无法移除的问题

106 天前
Joeysergey  Joeysergey

当初注册用的是香港的 clubsim 的填了进去,结果后续强制开启 MFA 用了电脑验证重装系统后完犊子了,就是不知道 clubsim 的香港手机号码是否能接到电话,问了运营商说只能接收拨打香港本地的号码,就怕到时去了香港也不能接到电话。而且连注销账号也做不到。 公证方法太费劲了,而且上传了护照也不管用

RE:[CASE xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] [AWS MFA Support Form Submission] - Inquiry Inbox

Amazon Web Services Fri, Dec 6, 4:57 PM (4 days ago) Thank you for contacting Amazon Web Services. We have opened case xxxxxxxxxxx to address your issue. The details of your case are as follows: Case ID: xxxxx 28

Amazon Web Services 4:45 PM (2 hours ago) to me



如果近期没有前往香港的计划,仍会需要您提交经过公证的身份验证表,这些文件将会是移除 MFA 的必要条件。

我们再次感谢您对 AWS 安全政策的理解与耐心!

Best regards, Grace T. Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services requires notarization of this document to ensure the authenticity of the information provided to us. This is to safeguard the potential risk of personal identifying information having been obtained through fraudulent means.

This document’s certification assures us that you are genuinely the legitimate person listed on the account in question.

AWS accounts have the potential to rapidly launch resources and generate bills of thousands of dollars, and we want to ensure that all precautions are taken. Multi-factor authentication tokens are critical security credentials and the safety of customer information is our top priority.

If you are having trouble getting the document notarized in person, you may consider using a Remote Online Notary that complies with all applicable laws in your area. We recommend a U.S.-based notary for the most efficient review of your documentation.

** Make sure the document is certified on the same date as your signature.

  1. The Appendix section of the Identity Verification Form and Affidavit is missing the account number, a required field.

You can also find the account ID by completing the email verification step of signing in with alternative factors. At the email verification step, AWS sends an email with the subject line, 'AWS Email Verification'.

The email also contains the AWS account ID to the email address that is associated with the root account.

Instructions on how to sign in with alternative factors can be found here:


If you have any other documents you would like our team to review, attach them to your email when you reply to this case.

Best regards, Melissa F. Amazon Web Services

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所在节点   Amazon Web Services  Amazon Web Services
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