[Web3 初创] Multichain Software Engineer - Remote

72 天前
348979997  348979997

web3 外企 startup ,需要英文简历和口语面试~

We are a cutting-edge web3 startup dedicated to revolutionizing the decentralized application (DApp) landscape. Our mission is to create innovative solutions that leverage the power of multiple blockchain networks, providing seamless and secure experiences for users worldwide.


As a Multichain Software Engineer, you will play a pivotal role in developing, testing, and deploying DApps across multiple blockchain networks. You will work closely with our talented team to design and implement solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible in the web3 space.

Job Requirements:


Salary and Benefits:

email us at: 0x8b696bd82481cf05d9475f45c6d7c5f1ffbd3dfe@dmail.ai You are welcomed to attach any github links / protfolio with your resume :)

1115 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
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